Pre-Application Process
We regret that funding is now closed for 2024. Moreover, the Board of Trustees met on March 9 2024 and decided to review its current strategy. It will aim to announce its plans for the Trust's future in September 2024.
Full Proposal - For applicants who have passed the Pre-Application Process
- Your proposal should be comprehensive but succinct.
- Tell us a little about you or your organisation’s history (relevant to your application), how the project will be delivered and the changes it will bring. Please be careful to make sure the key points are clearly identifiable.
- Indicate how the benefits of the project will be measured and monitored.
- Include a clear funding plan – what has been raised so far, from which sources and from where else you are applying for any shortfall.
Start with a summary:
- What you or your organisation does
- The need/s it is addressing and how your organisation’s work addresses that need/s
- The difference your work makes
- The geographical location of your work
- The sum you are requesting
Follow with a more detailed description:
- The elements of your work the funding is needed for?
- How will the funding be used?
- What impact the activities funded will have?
- How will monitoring and evaluation be undertaken and at what stages?
- Who or what benefits from your work and how? If possible quantify the number of people who will benefit directly? Indirectly?
- How will you measure success?
- When will work begin and when will it end?
- What will happen when the project is completed?
Full Proposal - Supporting Information
In addition to the main proposal please include the following:
Previous Work
Examples of previous projects or other evidence of how your work has been of value.
Leadership & Management
We understand that leadership and management is only part of a complex framework needed to deliver a successful project, nonetheless it’s important we have confidence in who is leading your organisation and/or the project. Please include some information about your trustees, CEO/Clinical Director and senior leadership team.
Please tell us about any partnerships or collaborations with other organisations. Joined up working and the avoidance of duplication is welcomed by our trustees.
Budget & Fundraising Plan
Please include a detailed budget and fundraising plan. We need to know who is already supporting you, where your funding comes from, other potential funders and if your local community supports you. You will need to provide specific information relating to all costs of your project and, for the fundraising plan, details of income secured as well as projected income and their source/s. Please note:
- Only one grant application per organisation will be considered at any one time
- Grants may be given for up to two years
- You may apply for match funding. However funds will not be released until the majority of a project’s funding is secured.
Risk Management
Please explain what will happen if the full cost of the project cannot be raised? What other elements are at risk and what steps have been taken to minimise impact?
Please provide a full set of the most recent annual report and accounts.
What Happens Next
- Full proposal received
- Board meeting
- Issue offer & terms of acceptance
- Successful applicants return signed acceptance with bank details and an invoice for first instalment.
- Receipt of full proposals will be acknowledged within 7 working days.
- Successful applicants will be notified of the board’s decision within 7 working days of their meeting.
- Board meetings are held in February, June and October. Pre-applications need to be submitted by the middle of the month preceding each meeting.